All Posts Tagged With: "economics-of-religion"
Using Economics to Improve Your Faith Life
In his entertaining new book, Discover Your Inner Economist: Use Incentives to Fall in Love, Survive Your Next Meeting, and Motivate Your Dentist, economist Tyler Cowen considers the following scenario: You are about to walk into an art museum. You aspire to appreciate the many works of art you will see, in part because valuing [...]
23Aug2007 | Andrea Useem | 10 comments | ContinuedEconomics of Religion: Suicide Bombing a Response to “Market Demand,” Says Scholar
What can the insights of economics tell us about the motivations of suicide bombers? A quick answer might be that the people (nearly all young men) who kill themselves while killing others are down-trodden, poor, and depressed by their limited circumstances in life.
Yet research does not bear out this out. Many suicide bombers, including the [...]