CNN’s “God’s Warriors:” Good Watching, But the Book Is Better
When ReligionWriter’s husband first saw a press copy of CNN’s new six-hour documentary, “God’s Warriors,” lying around the house, he said he looked forward to learning about famous heroes and soldiers in the Jewish, Muslim and Christian traditions.
He was disappointed, then, when the first segment, “God’s Jewish Warriors,” which will air next Tuesday, Aug. 21, at 9 p.m. EST, instead focused on a parade of unrepentant Jewish terrorists, unsmiling Israeli settlers and vaguely frightening Jewish Americans who raise money for illegal Jewish settlements.

Over the last 30 years, each faith [Judaism, Islam and Christianity] has exploded into a powerful religious force, with an army of followers who share a deep dissatisfaction with modern, secular society and a fierce determination to bring God and religion back into daily life, back to the seat of power. We call them “God’s Warriors.”
This definition would seem to leave room for Jews who take their religion seriously and use it for ends more positive than the construction of illegal settlement outposts in the West Bank. Or the heroes of Jewish faith that ReligionWriter’s husband had hoped to learn about.
After watching the Jewish segment, one would have the idea that “God’s Warriors” is simply a novel, neutral phrase to refer to fundamentalists, extremists and the religiously unreasonable.
But if you watch the other two segments, the definition of “God’s Warriors” is expanded to include other more harmless, even positive examples. In the “God’s Muslim Warrior” segment, which will air next Wednesday, Aug. 29, Amanpour focuses on a 20-something American Muslim woman from Long Island who insists that jihad for her means wearing dressing modestly and observing her faith within the context of an often-unsupportive American culture. She engages in her own free-form translation of jihad.
Holy war? Really, who made that up? That is a very bad translation. It’s [actually] a self-struggle. Living in a secular society where you have to work to maintain your Islamic values? That’s jihad.
Since Amanpour allows this American Muslim to define faith in her own non-violent, personal-piety-focused American way, it seems strange that the Jewish segment did not include a similar profile. Instead, the only counterpoint comes in the form of a quiet Israeli veteran of the 1967 war, who prefers classical music to religion and likes bacon on his sandwiches. Why not also show an American Jew who, instead of using the Torah to insist on the Jewish right to occupy land, uses that same text to work towards reforming American society?
For the viewer, then, it’s never quite clear who “God’s Warriors” are, in the same sense that it’s never quite clear from the “War on Terror” who the enemies are.
Why now?

Israel/Palestine, in spite of many protestations that it lies at the heart of turmoil in the Middle East, is on the political back-burner in the U.S. right now. And the story of Osama bin Laden and even Egyptian writer Seyyid Qutub has been oft-told. (Indeed, the footage and narration on Qutub, whose book, Milestones on the Road, is credited with birthing jihadist ideology, covered almost the exact same ground as PBS’ documentary, Jihad: The Men and Ideas Behind Al Qaeda, which aired this June.)
We know about these phenomenon: Why not help us understand them? Amanpour wisely turned to religious historian and popular writer Karen Armstrong for explanations. Armstrong’s 2001 book, The Battle for God, which explores the rise of fundamentalism in Judaism, Islam and Christianity, is, in the view of ReligionWriter, one of the best popular titles on religion, period, and is essential reading for anyone wanting to understand religious extremism in the modern world.
Unfortunately, Armstrong appears only fleetingly through the documentary, and the central insights of her book receive only passing treatment. What Armstrong deftly and definitively showed in her book is that fundamentalism is a direct reaction to secular society and that the primary enemy for most fundamentalists is not the far-away enemy of other people, but their coreligionists who have a more lax religious outlook. This last point comes up in “God’s Jewish Warriors,” in the form of Rabin-murderer Yigal Amir, when Amanpour points out that Amir was enraged by what he perceived as Rabin’s intolerable compromises and sell-outs. More context like this is needed to make sense of fundamentalists.
On the first point — the relationship between fundamentalists and secular society — “God’s Warriors” is less sympathetic than Armstrong’s book, and as a result less effective. In her book Armstrong narrates how, in the late 1960s, after quitting the nun-hood and leaving the nunnery, emerged to discover a culture that had changed profoundly in her absence. She describes attending a party, where the Beatles’ “I want to hold your hand” was blaring while young people danced, drank and kissed. She writes (ReligionWriter is paraphrasing): “Here these singers were screaming out an emotion that I could barely articulate to myself, let along announce to a crowd of people.”
Armstrong helps us understand that for many people in America and around the world, secular society is experienced as a visceral assault to the senses, not to mention a direct challenge to deeply held values.
“God’s Warriors” rightly identifies an opposition to secular culture as the force that motivates fundamentalists, extremists and even run-of-the-mill religious folks in various traditions to press for social and political change. What the series fails to do is help us sympathize with this outlook. Even the most secular parents are probably unhappy that their son is addicted to violent video games, or that their daughter’s friends are losing their virginity in junior high.
So what makes some people turn to violence or extremism to solve those problems? That important question remains unanswered.
The Good Parts, and Why We Want More from Amanpour
Where the series shines brightest, ReligionWriter felt, was in telling individual stories. Ed Hussein’s journey out of radicalism is fascinating, as is the story of the Palestinian family whose son became a suicide bomber, as is the story of the American homeschooling family with five children.

This segment comes alive in part because Amanpour steps out of her objective and sometimes deliberately wide-eyed reporting style to challenge Luce. When they are discussing Luce’s live-in ministry program, where TV, pop music and R-rated movies are banned, and where girls must wear skirts of a certain length and boys can’t use the Internet unsupervised, Amanpour tells Luce this makes her think of repressive societies around the world (i.e. probably Iran.) When Luce justifies the female dress code on the basis that the boys will then not be distracted by the girls’ sexuality, Amanpour replies tartly that this is the same reasoning used by the Taliban.

Another rare and refreshing moment of Amanpour frankness comes when she interviews a former member of the Egyptian terrorist organization that assassinated President Anwar Sadat. As he ponderously explains that in Islamic law women have rights, but they can never be political leaders because they have other (i.e. domestic) responsibilities, Amanpour waves a devilish finger at the man, a sign that she feels his argument is not only stupid and wrong but obviously disproved by her very presence in front of him. (The man, resorting to his broken English, smiles abashedly and says, “You would angry from me now.”)
The Final Word
If you have six hours to spare next week, and you are hungry to understand the rise of fundamentalism in the monotheistic faiths today, ReligionWriter recommends you read the Armstrong book rather than watch the CNN series.
But if you have time, the best thing would be to both read the book and watch “God’s Warriors.” The two complement one another not in terms of ideas, but in terms of medium. The footage of “God’s Warriors,” collected over eight months of reporting, is fascinating and edifying to watch and makes a good complement to the more in-depth and contextual analysis of Armstrong’s book.
(All photos used with permission from CNN.)
Comment by Bushra on 17 August 2007:
Thanks for the review! I was planning to watch “God’s Warriors” next week and will now, on your suggestion, read Armstrong’s book first.
Pingback by CNN’s “God’s Warriors” at Ijtema on 20 August 2007:
[…] review from ReligionWriter: When ReligionWriter’s husband first saw a press copy of CNN’s new six-hour documentary, […]
Comment by Hantu Laut on 21 August 2007:
I am looking forward to watching it.Extremism exists in every religion but the degree of intolerance and violence seems more in Islam.Terrorism is a fast growing industry in the Islamic world.The ambiguity of certain verses in the Koran could have been part of the reasons for the many interpretations of the hadis.
The moderate Muslim would take ‘Jihad’ as a holy struggle to improve and advance oneself while the extremist would translate it as waging a holy war.
It’s Muslims who gave a bad name to their religion.
Pingback by CNN’s God’s Warriors : Media and Islam on 21 August 2007:
[…] The special begins Wedneday, August 22 with Jewish Warriors at 1300/1900 GMT, with Islam’s Warriors on Thursday, and Christian Warriors on Friday. For a review of the 3 night special, check out ReligionWriter’s analysis. […]
Comment by Robert Isy on 22 August 2007:
I saw this first segment on God’s Jewish Warriors and have to agree with one of your assessments. It seemed like the goal was to demonize an entire religious group, focusing on the rare evil acts of a few while ignoring the morality and peaceful religious convictions of the overwhelming majority. I guess one of the goals was to show that Muslims are not the only religious group capable of violence, but trying to equate a few isolated cases with a dangerous and growing worldwide movement is morally repugnant.
Comment by j on 22 August 2007:
Christiane Amanpour is a respectable journalist. I am sure she will give a balanced view of the conflict.
As much as it might enrage people to see themselves protrayed in this way. A person who sees it at a distance has to take account of all the factors.
Comment by Jack Killough on 23 August 2007:
Nice column, although, in my opinion, Karen Armstrong is biased towards Islam as her not-so-objective books reflect. I have not had time to read all of her books, but the several I have read are very soft on the more radical aspects of Islam and less friendly towards Judaism and Christianity.
I also feel that to suggest a moral equivalency between the dangers of radical Islam today (at least 130 million Muslims who are zealous advocates of the destruction of the non-Muslim world and an unknown percentage who at least sympathize with a radical agenda), as the CNN documentary implies, by giving equal time to each of the Abrahamic religions, and the virtually non-existent threat from “radical” Judaism and Christianity is misleading in the extreme.
I’m glad I discovered your site; I will keep an eye on it. As a professor of world religion and specialist on Islam I am very interested in thoughtful commentary on religious issues.
Comment by Jack Killough on 23 August 2007:
This site does a great job of expressing the shorcomings of the documentary:
Comment by joe on 23 August 2007:
The only thing worse than God’s warriors would be godless warriors. The program would be more accurate if it also included a section on atheistic warriors. Most of the killings of the 20th century came at the hands of such atheists as Lenin, Stalin, and Mao. How is it that secular atheists get off so easily?
Comment by R on 23 August 2007:
Its fascinating to see that so many believe that Islam is the only religion capable of atrocities and terrorism. the church sanctioned Klu klux klan is an excellent example of what happens when religion and extremism meet. Passages in the Bible were used to Justify the systematic enslavement, torture and often murder of Africans. one of the biggest sore points between Israelis and Palestinians are the “isolated settlers” that illegally take away homes, land and roads from Palestinians. The majority of those settlements are illegal and wrong.
you only have to see hate websites to see the kind of virulence that extremists from all faiths espouse. And those of you who dont think its exists in your own faith tradition, just read a few pages of history, you dont have to look hard.
there are billions of Muslims mostof which want nothing more than we want, to live in relative safety, to take care of their families, and to educated themselves.
Pingback by Couple of items « Tariq Nelson on 24 August 2007:
[…] found the “God’s Warriors” series to be pretty fair and interesting. Many did not like it because she shows that there are terrorists […]
Comment by L B on 24 August 2007:
I watched all three with intense curiousity…
I thought the first two were very informative and balanced. And, then, there came the last one.
#1 and #2 did a historical interwoven world-oriented view.
#3 wasn’t even close to the first two.
Comment by Philipp Terry on 25 August 2007:
After living in the United States for nearly 40 years, I chose to sever all ties with the US and return to a Europe, thinking it is a more benevolent and mature continent after all to live in. Not only does it have a much higher quality of life but is more enlightened than racist America. What concerns me the most is, that we learned so little from the last centtury that saw two global conflicts develop out of hate and racism. Now this, a few trying to impose their will by brainwashing so many others and no one seems to be able to do anything about. This needs to be a wake-up call and a hearty ‘thank you’ to Christiane Amanpour for her braodcasts.
Comment by Macy on 29 August 2007:
The main point that is being missed about the CNN special is the involvement of the religious groups in politics. The presistent view that God’s followers must insert their will on all people through laws that demontrate religious values is what is dangerous about these extremist. We cannot forget that the contitution clearly states “congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free excercise thereof. This country was founded on religious freedom and though people may feel that their religions are being ignored, or that the world is unmoral and too sexually involved, they should respect the views of all religions instead of imposing their views to non christian, muslims and jews. They should guide the lost that seek religious guidance, help the poor and the hungry. Instead congregations have political agendas while poverty is being ignored, put on the back burner. No one has the right to impose any religious laws or morals on me or my family. I want to belive in my own God, follow my own morality guide. That’s why I live in America!
Comment by Bassel on 13 October 2007:
I watched this show and was so intesrested wanna watch the God’s christian warriors in your program. I think that any religion is based on peace and respect; and only peace will set us free from our own sins..I want to believe in my own God (God of peace). There is no need to be a warrior to prove your cause.
Comment by Zeynab on 22 October 2007:
Salaam! Good read; I only saw the God’s Warriors about Muslims (and you can TRUST I wrote about in my blog), but I was wondering if CNN did such a shoddy job with Christians & Jews as well.