By Andrea Useem, Religion BookLine — Publishers Weekly, 5/16/2007 (reprinted here with permission.)
With a title like The Reluctant Fundamentalist, Mohsin Hamid’s new novel (Harcourt, April) invites readers to expect a story of religion gone bad. But instead of radical preaching or religious fervor, the book details the transformation of Changez, an Ivy League-educated Pakistani, […]

(Left: Christina Hoff Sommers speaking at Friday’s conference, “The Rights of Women in Islam and Muslim Societies.” Photo by Andrea Useem)
In the struggle to accord women more rights in Islamic law and culture, who can play the most effective role? Christina Hoff Sommers, an American Enterprise Institute resident scholar speaking last Friday, pointed to the […]

A new study out this morning from the Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life and the
Center includes a chapter on religious conversion among Hispanics in
Basic Data on Latino Conversion:
The vast majority of Latinos (82%) give no indication of ever having changed their religious affiliation. However, almost one-in-five (18%) Latinos say they […]

This article is reprinted from Publishers Weekly Religion BookLine, April 18, 2007

“Laleh Bakhtiar: An American Woman Translates the Quran”
By Andrea Useem
What does it mean to beat someone “lightly?” Muslims have debated this question over the centuries while interpreting a verse in the Qur’an where God instructs Muslim men, if they fear “disobedience” from their […]

Photo: Muslim American teens Farah and Sarah Albani, interviewed by Judy Woodruff for the PBS documentary, “The Muslim Americans.” (Photo from the PBS website)
As part of its 11-part documentary series on the post-9/11 world, “America at a Crossroads,” PBS last night broadcast “The Muslim Americans,” a one-hour segment that was panned by the New York […]

Acts of Faith: The Story of an American Muslim, the Struggle for the Soul of a Generation (Beacon Press: July, 2007), is the memoir of Eboo Patel, a former
Rhodes scholar with a Ph.D. in religion from Oxford, is founder and director the Interfaith Youth Corps, a Chicago-based group aimed at creating a movement of religious […]

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