On the Spiritual Perils of Religion Writing: Q&A with Rod Dreher
As a journalist, writing in the first person is still pretty new for me. But starting this site, blogging professionally and generally entering the Web 2.0 world is essential for my professional survival, and reading Romenesko, the blog-stlye round-up of media-industry news, reminds me of that fact daily. On the one hand, it’s freeing to [...]
15Sep2008 | Andrea Useem | 12 comments | Continued
God and Forgiveness on the Bathroom Floor: Immaculee Ilibagiza and the Rwandan Genocide
Some books are so powerful, so disturbing, I almost hesitates to recommend them or pass along a copy to a friend. Left to Tell, a spiritual autobiography written by a survivor of the Rwandan genocide, is one such book. A friend who read it at her church lent it to me, and the book spent [...]
17Jun2008 | Andrea Useem | 5 comments | ContinuedFaith, Hope and Poverty: A Story from Kenya
Life is frustrating, right? I’m not famous, my two-year-old won’t go to sleep at bedtime, and my least favorite contestant might actually win American Idol. Most of these problems are solvable or irrelevant or not really problems in the first place. But here’s one problem that has bothered me since 1996: How do I help [...]
28Apr2008 | Andrea Useem | 1 comment | ContinuedIs Circumcision a Christian Practice?
Male circumcision rates in the
U.S. have dropped steeply over the last few decades, as an Associated Press article by Rachel Konrad highlighted this week:
According to data from the National Health and Social Life Survey, the
U.S. circumcision rate peaked at nearly 90 percent in the early 1960s but began dropping in the ’70s. By [...]
Survey: As Hispanics Assimilate, They Are More Likely to Convert
A new study out this morning from the Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life and the
Center includes a chapter on religious conversion among Hispanics in
Basic Data on Latino Conversion:
The vast majority of Latinos (82%) give no indication of ever having changed their religious affiliation. However, almost one-in-five (18%) Latinos say they [...]